I have been a strong supporter of the Professional Association of for Customer Engagement (PACE) for many years and was recently named to the organization’s Board of Directors. As a contact center veteran and customer experience expert with more than 25 years of experience, I am driven by the desire to help businesses reach their full potential, which is just one of the reasons I am excited to begin my new appointment with PACE.

Joining Like Minds
One of the reasons for my enthusiasm about joining the PACE Board of Directors is the opportunity to collaborate with fellow members, which represent a diverse range of experiences. I know that our shared expertise across many industries, including large, global centers, as well as smaller, niche markets will allow us to provide fresh, data-driven perspectives to further serve PACE and its members.

 A Shared Vision
The contact center world is constantly evolving with new technologies and shifting compliance laws, just to name a few developments that make it a challenging business environment. Through my consulting business, I work to lead and educate clients on best practices around policies, procedures, and benchmarks, as well as regulations and third-party solutions. In this way, my personal vision for the contact center industry closely aligns with the PACE mission. We are both contact center advocates who recognize that leadership, education and customer experience are the keys to success in today’s marketplace.

Future Goals
Now more than ever, I believe customer experience is the key to contact center sustainability. Now, more than ever, many global companies are seeking advice and guidance to take their customer experience to the next level to meet the evolving demands of their diverse clientele base. Our world is so deeply interconnected due to the thriving presence of social media platforms where consumers are vocal about the brands they interact with. For this reason, I plan to work with PACE to place more emphasis on the customer experience. Compliance laws and activities such as KPI management are still critical to the success of a contact center, but I believe business leaders need more education about the end user and customer experience. While this may seem to be an abstract concept, my team and I have successfully helped clients deliver an excellent customer experience, which includes but is not limited to customer journey mapping, sales and marketing, and IoT expansion and integration.

Customer Experience Leaders
There is currently a gap in the business market for an association working on the proper, critical advocacy and education for customer experience. I believe PACE can fill this gap and take the place of the for-profit events and organizations that are currently driving the topic. While PACE is already considered the expert in compliance, my goal as a member of the Board of Directors is to help it become the trusted resource for everything related to customer experience. If we don’t make this our focus, we run the risk of alienating the organizations that consider it a top priority. The market needs a customer experience leader and advocate, and I am confident that PACE can fill this role.

My vision for PACE is growth and expansion of contact center advocacy, placing more emphasis on customer experience and communication, and I plan to put my years of experience and industry relationships to work to this end. If you’re not a PACE member, I urge you to join today. PACE is the only non-profit trade association dedicated exclusively to the advancement of companies that utilize contact center customer engagement.

I also invite you to join me at the 2018 PACE Convention and Expo April 15 – 18. The event is dedicated to supporting businesses that employ an omni-channel strategy. It offers carefully crafted and relevant content that is thought-provoking and actionable, invaluable customer engagement experience from industry leaders, and the opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals who are also committed to making the customer experience more measurable and efficient.

Finally, I’d like to hear from you! What issues do you think the PACE board should make a priority? Please call or email me with your ideas and challenges. I look forward to representing you on the PACE board and updating you on our projects and progress.

Read more:
Christa Heibel’s Bio
Improving Customer Experience in Healthcare
Omni-Channel: Your Presence is Required


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