Our Services

Contact Center Workforce Management Solutions

We provide contact center workforce management solutions that are highly customized, data-driven, and focused on results.

Manage Staffing Levels

Staffing mistakes can lead to a myriad of challenges. We help ensure there are enough agents available to handle customer interactions while avoiding overstaffing.

Training & Development

Forecasting and scheduling aren’t enough. We develop training programs to help improve agent performance, reduce turnover, and enhance CX.

WFM Technology

Keeping up with the latest tech is daunting, and you’ve got better things to do. We provide guidance to help you choose and implement the solutions that are best for your needs.

Why It Matters

The Challenge of Contact Center Workforce Management

Contact centers must strike a balance between having enough agents to handle customer interactions efficiently without overstaffing, which can result in increased costs.

Our Expertise

Customized Forecasting Models

Accurate forecasting is crucial for effective workforce management in the contact center, and CH Consulting Group offers customized forecasting models tailored to each organization’s unique needs.

Our Expertise

Performance-Based Incentives

Improve agent performance and reduce turnover with our extensive experience in developing and implementing incentive programs that align with your organization’s goals and objectives.

Our Expertise

Data-Driven Scheduling

Monitoring and adjustment of schedules allows for flexibility in response to unexpected changes in call volumes or agent availability.

additional reading

New Possibilities with AI

Employers are trying to handle labor shortages by offering higher wages, more benefits and flexibility to employees, such as work from home options.

However, offering these things may still not lead to getting enough workers. For this reason, businesses are increasingly considering using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to automate work tasks. In this blog, we discuss the role of AI in handling workforce challenges.

Contact Our Team

Interested in learning more about our WFM services?

We use unique strategies to provide WFM solutions that are better and different from competitors, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

To learn more, contact us today.