Holistic HR – Taking Care of Your Business’ Mind Body & Spirit: Part 1 – Mind

While more and more people today are aware of and actively working on maintaining Mind Body & Spirit balance for their own being, these same ideas and thoughts are also creeping into the workplace. As we acknowledge the interconnectedness of things in the world around us, we can see how these same philosophies and ideas incorporate into our workplace.

Using the same triune we can evaluate the current heath of our company’s Mind Body & Spirit and develop a plan for how to best improve and maintain its wellness. While there are many different ways to define a business’ Mind Body & Spirit, we’ll start here today…


Consider all employees working for your company to be part of the business’ overall mind. Each and every individual contributes to the overall production in all their various roles, just as all the individual cells of our brain function together to form thoughts, ideas and perform tasks. Every business wants to know that it is in an “all systems go” state but not everyone knows how to make this happen.

Below provides limited examples of ways to ensure you can create and maintain a healthy business “Mind”:

Basic – Am I meeting the basic (and legal) needs of my staff with regards to pay, benefits and work environment? Is there defined structure in place that identifies clear roles and responsibilities for all positions and jobs within the company? Am I providing my staff with the necessary tools – ranging from policy & procedure documentation and skills training to technology and office set-up – for them to most successfully perform their jobs?

Intermediate – Do I promote or provide access to ongoing training and services to improve employee knowledge base regarding industry, products or service expectations? Have we created and promote a culture of open communication, integrity and respect for all staff regardless of position or title? Am I open to new ways of doing things, foster positive change, and adapt to changing business/client needs?

Advanced – Do I promote or provide access to services that positively enhance my employees such as motivational speakers or specialty training experts? Do I support/fund/encourage advanced skills development, continuing education or certifications that benefit our employees and our business? Do I actively upgrade tools and technology with regards to automation and efficiency?

These are simple examples that can be used as starting points for you to come up with endless opportunities to contribute to creating a healthy mind for your business, meaning a healthy, happy and productive workforce!

Watch for Holistic HR – Taking care of Your Businesses’ Mind Body & Spirit: Part 2 – Body

  • Physical Environment
  • Health/Wellness Initiatives


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