How to Measure the Effectiveness of Agent Training

The goal of contact center agent training is to equip agents with the knowledge to perform their roles and provide a high level of service to help ensure customer satisfaction. Knowing how to measure the effectiveness of agent training is key to discovering how the training is impacting both agents and customers, which methods produce the best results, and what areas can be improved. In this article, I explore the topic of measuring the effectiveness of agent training.


Testing Agents

Among the many ways that the effectiveness of agent training can be evaluated is through written tests. These tests can be given to agents after they have received training to determine their understanding of the material. After a designated period of time, agents can be re-tested to measure how much of the information they still retain and how much they have improved in specific areas.

Another method of testing is to create test scenarios to determine how agents would respond to situations that can occur in the real contact center environment. After sufficient training, an agent’s skills can be tested while they are interacting with actual live customers. These tests can be given again after a few weeks or months to evaluate performance.


Gathering Feedback

Gathering feedback can be a very valuable method for discovering which elements of your contact center training are effective, and which can be improved. By speaking to and surveying agents, you can find out which areas of the training were the most helpful and beneficial to them, as well as how they can be more effective.

Gathering feedback from customers through calls, social media, surveys, and metrics, can also help you to assess the effectiveness of your training.  


Using Metrics

Establishing metrics can help you identify the areas of your operations that are doing well, and the ones that need improvement. They can also help you to recognize the areas of customer service that are being impacted by agent training over time.

Choose and evaluate KPIs according to what is most important to your particular contact center. For example, consider how important efficiency is, versus the customer experience, for your contact center.

Types of Metrics

The general categories for metrics include these main areas:

● Operations
● Quality
● Financials

There are several types of operational metrics including first contact resolution, hold time, abandonment, and response and resolution times.

Under the quality metrics category, there are various ways to check for quality. One type of quality survey asks customers for feedback about various aspects of the customer service experience, after they have interacted with an agent. For ideas on customer service KPIs, check out the Small Business Trends list of “14 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Measure Customer Service”.

Financial metrics measure the amount of cases resolved versus the cost of customer service, as well as gross margin, which is the revenue for the business after costs are deducted.

When you have identified the KPIs that you want to use, monitor them to see how you can improve your training. For example, if you see that the first contact resolution rates need to be improved, you can do more training in that area. In this way, your metrics can help you to continually improve the effectiveness of your training and achieve a high level of performance for your contact center.

CH Consulting Group can help you to set up and measure effective trainings for your contact center. We provide unparalleled expertise in the Contact Center and Customer Experience (CX) verticals. We have a nationwide team of industry veterans that can assist you to achieve exponential growth, manage change, and generate profit. For a comprehensive CX assessment and strategic plan customized for your unique business needs, connect with us here today.

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