Returning from SOCAP’s Fall Symposium where I met up with some of my team members and other industry professionals, I am overwhelmingly happy and proud.  Happy to be able to network with everyone in person once again sharing our respective expertise and enjoying the electricity around gathering together.  And proud of the resilient SOCAP board in how they are rebuilding the organization by recruiting new members and creating an amazing conference with balanced content offerings in technology, operations, and WFM challenges. 

I applaud the board for including the healthcare / medical community last week.  We are finding that a positive patient experience is gaining more importance in healthcare organizations as the competition for patients rises.  These organizations are learning what other industries have known for some time – they need to become the provider of choice by having exemplary patient satisfaction.  82% of patients say quality customer service is the most important factor when considering care, followed by good communication and continuous engagement at 62%.  With half of those surveyed saying a bad digital experience with a healthcare provider ruins the entire experience, the time is now to take a closer look at processes and technology for these organizations.  Our list of “need to know” technology includes:

  • Electronic benefits verification
  • Scheduling self service
  • Omni channel / digital approach to claims/billing
  • Voice Analytics that monitor sentiment
  • Coursera LMS
  • Workday technology

Look for future CH Consulting blog posts discussing the healthcare care industry and how we can help increase Patient Experience.

Those of you who know me, know that I am a yoga instructor who believes in finding inner happiness and balance, so Tia Graham’s keynote really resonated with me.  She gave a powerful talk on creating thriving teams by placing team member happiness as a top priority.  Happy team members lead to loyal customers, positive brand reputation, and increased employee innovation and creativity. Something all businesses strive for.

Our next in-person event will be at PACE’s ACX in Nashville, TN October 9-11.  Many of CH Consulting Group’s consultants will be there so please come see us in our booth (411).  Christa will also be leading a panel of the industry’s leading women to discuss Top Trends in CX: What You Need to Know.  You will not want to miss it!

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