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CH Consulting Group is Thankful for…

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so the CH Consulting Group team wanted to take the time to reflect on what this day means to us. Whether you are a friend, partner colleague, or simply a passerby, we hope that we can share our attitude of gratitude in this post.

I am thankful for the blessings of friends, family, colleagues, kindness, travel,  yoga, independence/freedom and the ability to do something I love.

Christa Heibel, CEO/Founder


I’m thankful for my beautiful wife, my family and our wonderful dog. The people in my life mean the most to me and always bring me joy and happiness during the holidays and the entire year.

Bob Kasten, Consultant


The number one thing in my life that I am thankful for is my husband and the unconditional love he gives me.  After that, I’m grateful we both have good health, enough finances to travel and great friends.

Berni Hollinger, Consultant


The Thanksgiving holiday makes me think of this great quote from Willie Nelson – “When I started counting my  blessings, my whole life turned around.”

Brooks Arvizu, Consultant


I am thankful for my husband, family, and friends for loving and supporting me. I am also thankful for my dogs for teaching me patience and always making me laugh.”

Danica Abcede, Consultant


I am thankful for good health, an aging mom who is still enjoying life, deeply caring children, adding value to the world and of course, my furry and feathered kids.

Cheryl Coppens, Consultant


I am thankful for a full life with my wife and daughter, family, friends, career, health and time to do all the fun things I like to do!

John P. Scott, Consultant

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